What is invisalign? – Dentiora – Bodrum

What is invisalign?

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What is invisalign?

What is invisalign?

What is invisalign, Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without the use of metal braces. Invisalign is a series of custom-made clear braces that cover your teeth and gently pull them into the proper position over time. Because they are clear and can be taken on and off, they are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Most people want to improve their smile but think that traditional, metal braces are the only option. With Invisalign clear braces there are no metal brackets or wire to detract from your smile while undergoing treatment.
With Invisalign clear braces, your teeth can be comfortable, beautiful, and precisely aligned in half of the time it would require with traditional braces. Whether you are a parent exploring orthodontic treatment for your teenager, or an adult who has put off treatment for years, Invisalign is an effective and discreet solution.
What is invisalign
What is invisalign

What Is Invisalign Made From?

Invisalign clear aligners are made from BPA-free plastic, and they are far more comfortable than traditional metal braces. These customized clear aligners are used to straighten your teeth and give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Before you receive Invisalign clear aligners, you’ll have a consultation with us to discuss your smile goals as well as what you can expect with your treatment. Learn more on the Invisalign website.

Who Can Wear These Clear Braces?

Both teenagers and adults can wear Invisalign. These clear braces are used to close gaps between teeth, as well as treating overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, and overcrowded teeth. After an examination and x-rays of your teeth, we can discuss if Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for you.

What is invisalign

How Does The Invisalign Process Work?

If Invisalign is right for your case, we’ll use the examination, along with x-rays, and a 3D model of your teeth to establish a personalized treatment plan for you. The treatment plan determines how your teeth need to shift and how long it will take to align them correctly. The x-rays, 3D model, and pictures of your teeth are sent to the Invisalign laboratory where your customized aligners are crafted. The 3D model of your teeth will also allow you see how Invisalign will progressively correct your orthodontic issues.

How Does Wearing Invisalign Work?

When we receive your first set of aligners, you come to our office to check for fit and make any necessary adjustments. You will wear your aligners all day, every day, except when you eat, floss, and brush your teeth.  Because Invisalign braces are removable, you will be able to briefly remove them any time you need to throughout the day.

What is invisalign

Wearing Invisalign is easy and fits smoothly into your normal day. When you receive your aligners, you will place the clear braces over your teeth. You will wear each set of aligners for two weeks and will then switch to the next set of aligners. At first, your aligners will fit tightly because they are designed to gently and precisely move your teeth. After a few days, your teeth will gradually move to a new position.

You will notice that your aligners will feel a little loose after some time has passed.  Even if they start to feel loose, don’t switch them early. Wear them for the entire two weeks. This gives your teeth and gums time to adjust to the new position. Switching aligners too early will interfere with your treatment plan.

What is invisalign

Every six weeks, you will have an appointment in our office to check your aligners and the progress of your treatment. These checkups also help us determine if any adjustments need to be made to the aligners or to your treatment plan.

How Does Invisalign Feel?

One of the best reasons to invest in Invisalign is how comfortable these aligners are to wear. Remember that your teeth are shifting into a new position, so you can expect to feel some mild discomfort as they move, especially with the first set of aligners. The pressure you will feel on your teeth when you first put on a new set of aligners will gradually fade over the course of a few days.

If you feel any significant discomfort or pain, give us a call. We’ll schedule an appointment with you to take a look at your teeth, gums, and aligners to ensure a proper fit.

How Long Will Your Treatment Take?

The average Invisalign treatment time is one year but treatment time for will vary based on the age and specific needs of each person. Each case is different, so after your teeth are examined and digital images are captured, you’ll receive an estimated treatment time.

What is invisalign
What is invisalign

Advantages of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

When considering your orthodontic treatment options, it’s important to know the advantages of Invisalign over traditional braces.

  • These are clear braces. Most people won’t notice you’re wearing them.
  • The movement of your teeth is more precise with Invisalign than traditional braces.
  • It’s easier to maintain good oral health with Invisalign. You will remove the aligners when you eat, brush your teeth, and floss.
  • These aligners are much more comfortable than metal braces. They don’t irritate your teeth or gums.
  • Invisalign saves you time. Unlike braces that require more frequent office visits to change the arch wire and make adjustments, you will have fewer checkups with Invisalign. Treatment time is often shorter, too.

How Much Do These Clear Braces Cost?

The cost of Invisalign depends on your case – the severity of the misalignment of your teeth and how long it will take to move them to the correct position. After we examine your teeth, the x-rays, and 3D model, we will let you know the details of your treatment plan, as well as the cost. Contact our Dentiora Bodrum for more information.

What Happens After Invisalign Treatment Is Completed?

After any orthodontic treatment, whether it’s Invisalign or anything else, we recommend that you wear a retainer. A retainer is designed to keep your teeth in alignment. Without it, your teeth can gradually move back to their former position. If your teeth start to shift, you may need to temporarily wear aligners again to reposition them. We will determine which type of retainer is best for your